Small Group Ministries
Small groups help us join with each other, with God, and with the church. Small groups help build the connections and relationships between and among individuals allowing us to trust and love each other more deeply as our Lord has instructed. Our Small Group Ministry is a journey, not a series of classes. We journey together in intentional faith development and try to expose ourselves to different ideas and perspectives as we work to move closer to God and Jesus Christ through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit.
We encourage all Christians to find a place where together they feel comfortable to move forward in spiritual growth through worship, study, prayer, fellowship, and service. The groups listed here currently exist at FPC, and we encourage everyone to find a fellowship or study which meets his or her needs. If there is not a group that seems to be the right fit, please join with others to create a new group which meets your needs. We will be happy to help you get started! Contact the church office (464-4985) and we will forward your questions to the appropriate person/group.
(NOTE: Some groups do move off-site on occasion or take breaks during the summer months, so be sure to contact the group before attending for the first time, just to make sure they are meeting as scheduled.)
Retired Presbyterian Men (RPM’s) ~ 1st Monday, 8:30 a.m., offsite at the Viking Chili Bowl Restaurant
This group of retirees meets monthly for fun and fellowship! They have “done their thing” throughout the years to repair, refurbish, and keep FPC in top-notch shape, and now they simply enjoy meeting together over a cup of coffee. They certainly WELCOME NEWCOMERS, especially those who might have done their share of fixing up, servicing, and repairing in their lives, and who knows? There might still be some fixing up to do where they can help!
Contact: Dan Higgins, Tom Edwards
Journeys of Faith Reunion Group ~ Mondays, 5:00 p.m., Room 101
This group began as an Indiana Dunes Great Banquet Reunion Group and is an interesting mix of singles of both genders as well as couples. They have recently been discussing questions prompted by Sunday morning sermons, and they also enjoy serious Bible studies which provoke differing points of view. They serve PADS meals every year, purchase gifts for Angel Tree children, and contribute to the Pastors’ Emergency Fund.
Contact: Beth Germann, Judy Hollar
Men’s After Work Bible Study ~ Tuesdays, 5:00 p.m., Room 101 (or the Pavilion!)
A group of men, both working and retired, who meet for an hour, 5:00 p.m. Tuesdays 52 weeks a year. Study most often involves reading a book of the Bible, Old or New Testament. Sometimes a popular book or film with a Christian theme is discussed, or ways in which social issues impact and are impacted by the Christian faith, or the basics of other religious faiths. The group does occasional volunteer work, PADs, New Creation, Vacation Bible School and the Coffee Hour on Sunday for instance. Social activities include an annual Railcats game, and dinner at a local restaurant at Christmas with spouses and significant others included.
Contact: Ken Koch, Mike Becker
Women’s Bible Study ~ Wednesdays, 10:00 a.m., Room 100
These ladies love the camaraderie they share as well as the challenges brought to them. Members usually serve individually (rather than as a group), but many also enjoy attending the monthly Saints luncheons together. They have studied and enjoyed several books in the Fisherman Bible Study series (When Faith Is All You Have, Women Who Achieved for God, Angels, and I and II Peter) as well as Cultivating Fruitfulness. NEWCOMERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!
Contact: Ruth Dickey
Widows Group ~ Third Wednesday, 10:30 a.m., Friendship Room
These lovely ladies meet monthly to socialize and fellowship. They love each other, they love God, and they draw support from the wisdom and experience of their collective memories. They WELCOME OTHERS to join their ranks and enjoy their companionship and an occasional sociable luncheon.
Contact: Donna Parker, Marcelle Johnson
Men’s Bible Study ~ Wednesdays, 6:00 p.m., Friendship Room (meets October-April)
This group of men (many of whom attend the PADS program) often studies the Parables of Jesus. They are discussion-oriented and try to apply the biblical principles of Jesus to their daily lives. Many of them are involved in service at New Creations, and they WELCOME ANY MEN who would like to study with them.
Contact: Terry Machowica
B.S. (Bible Study) ~ Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m., off site at Germann home
This group of teen boys is actively committed to each other and to furthering their understanding of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit in their lives. They are led by Matt Germann with the support of his dad Gary. They usually study stand-alone biblical topics found online following a more inductive method, but they also joined the church in studying Cultivating Fruitfulness. Their discussions are passionate and exciting, and their enthusiasm spills over into their service activities and their fellowship. Together they have served PADS meals, served at a soup kitchen, served at the Indiana Dunes Awakening, assisted in youth group activities, and many of them have participated on mission trips. They LOVE going to Cubs games, VU games, Red Robin restaurant for root beer floats, and too many other fun activities to list. They are continually ADDING TO THEIR NUMBERS ~ JOIN THEM!
Contact: Matt Germann, Gary Germann
It’s Them Again…. ~ Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m., Room 154
Although this group is currently small, it is mighty! These ladies engage each other in lively discussions which challenge their thinking and understanding of God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Word, and all things in between! They have studied two books in the Mocha series as well as Unglued and The Book of Corinthians. They have served a PADS meal, a VBS family dinner, various ways at the Indiana Dunes Great Banquet, and at the Presbyterian Resale Shop. They usually go out to dinner to celebrate the completion of a study before they start into a new one. They are always LOOKING FOR SPIRITED AND ENERGETIC LADIES to add to their numbers.
Contact: Christine McAloon, Susan Williams
Comfort Stitchers (Knitting Group) ~ Thursdays, 9:30 a.m., Room 154
The Comfort Stitchers is a women's group of various ages and expertise that meet weekly to knit and crochet Prayer Shawls, hats & mittens. These are prayed over during the process by the makers, then the congregation. The Blessings go with the Prayer Shawls and are delivered with love wherever God leads us to take them. Please join us Thursday's, 9:30 a.m.,room 154
Contact: Sandy H Sopata
Disciples Bible Study ~ Wednesdays, 3:30 p.m., Room 101
These ladies STUDY the Bible! They do have fun and provide service, but their primary focus is a serious study of God’s Word, most recently Paul’s letters to the Corinthian church. Their study of Cultivating Fruitfulness gave them several ideas for service projects, including baking and delivering cookies to the nearby Valparaiso Fire Department three days in a row as a gift from our church! They have also served Coffee Hour and PADS meals, and they always do something special around Christmas as well as enjoy carry in dinners a couple of times a year. They are now studying N.T. Wright's Luke for Everyone. There will not be meeting on July 20th because the group is traveling to Indianapolis for the play "Church Basement Ladies" and dinner at Beef & Boards with anyone who wants to join us.
If you are interested in an earnest, sincere study of scripture, you are ENCOURAGED TO JOIN THESE LADIES!
Contact: Carolyn Dye, Nancy Becker
Harriet Draper/Mary Crosby Circle (PW) ~ 3rd Thursday (Sept.-May), 10:30 a.m., Fr.Rm.
The purpose of Presbyterian Women (PW) ~ “Forgiven and Freed by God in Jesus Christ (and empowered by The Holy Spirit), we commit ourselves: to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study, to support the mission of the church worldwide, to work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s Kingdom.” The combined circles meet monthly for study and fellowship. The primary service opportunity for these women is the Presbyterian Resale Shop which is 75 years old, and proceeds from the Shop are donated to Presbytery, Congregational Needs Fund, and a variety of missions which include Boys & Girls Club, Caring Place, Christian Food Pantry, Janet Graham de Araujo (Brazilian missionary), Moraine House, Alice’s House, Salvation Army of Porter County, VNA Respite Care, and several others. These ladies WELCOME ALL to their meetings as well as to volunteer down at the Shop.