First Presbyterian Church Updates
FPCV Calendar Updates:
We are currently requesting, but not requiring all visitors to the church building to wear masks, regardless of vaccination status.
Be sure to stay connected via and Facebook! FPCV Facebook ​​pages/groups include:
FPCV: Christian Ed is Everywhere! - This new group will continue to provide updated Christian Education resources for all ages.
Presby's - A group for middle and high school youth (and their parents) to connect and stay informed about FPCV youth group events.
Got questions concerning FPCV and our COVID-19 response??? In an effort to care for the needs of our church family and be good stewards of our resources, we ask that community members utilize the form below to ask general church questions. A team of church leaders and staff will respond as quickly as able. Thank you! We strive for safety first as one of the most forward thinking and responsible churches in Valparaiso Indiana
NWI Community Updates
Stay connected with the local school districts COVID-19 Updates:
For Porter Regional Health COVID-19 updates, click here.
Governmental Agency Updates
Follow this link for the most recent COVID-19 updates from the Indiana State Department of Health:
Follow this link for the most recent COVID-19 updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: