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Sharon Kinsey's Blog

Growing up in the eastern part of the United States, Jack and I, and our children went to school through the second or third week of June. July 4th always felt like the beginning of summer; school would not be in session again until after Labor Day. Here in the Midwest, school is over for the year at the end of May, and back-to-school events happen the second week of August. Even though we’ve lived here for over 30 years, it’s one of those things that I still haven’t quite gotten used to.

In a few days, we will pack up and make the long drive back to the beach in New Jersey. I don’t remember my first trip – I was only 6 months old. But Jack and I have precious memories of going “down the shore” as kids. You’ll know what I mean if you are from Jersey or eastern PA. Our boys became the fourth generation to ride the waves, eat the best pizza in the world, enjoy saltwater taffy, hunt for crabs and shells on the jetty, and shop at the five and dime for rubber sharks and green army guys to defend our sand castles. Our grandchildren go to the same arcades, bring back T-shirts from the same surf shop, and ride their bikes to the bakery for crumb buns.

Then we return to Indiana, where school supplies have taken over Walmart and Target. Basketball, football, and volleyball take over our conversations, and flower beds look a little tired. Summer is such a precious gift from God – we’ve welcomed the smell of freshly mowed grass, flickering fireflies, sweet watermelon and blueberries, and buzzing bees. We’ve relished the slower pace, longer days, and opportunity to spend more time outside with friends and family.

Now we will begin to sense a change – the rhythm of the seasons is part of the circle of life. Genesis 8:22 reminds us that, “As long as the earth exists, seedtime and harvest, cold and hot, summer and autumn, day and night will not cease.” One of my earliest memories is hearing my Mother say, “Don’t you feel it? There’s a touch of fall in the air this evening.” And now I catch myself saying the same thing to my grands. It’s a siren call to look ahead with anticipation to the next days of wonder, to embrace the beauty and joy of each season of God’s magnificent creation.

So, before you go to that last baseball game, take a swim, and turn your face to the warmth of the sun, say a prayer of thanks to the One who ordered the universe and blessed us with the gift of seasons.

-Sharon Kinsey


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