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Summer Church Camp…Always a Worthwhile Experience

Even at my age, being a Camp Counselor is really a rewarding experience. I just concluded being a Counselor with the 31 Explorers (4th & 5th graders) at Geneva Center last week. We all know from the news about the difficulty employers are having in hiring full-time employees in all kinds of businesses. Well, finding part-time volunteers to counsel at Summer Camp this year was just as challenging. So… since I promised they could consider me as a “counselor of last resort” …they did. They called and said “you are needed” and I accepted.

It was truly a ‘fun’ week being with youth in the 11-12 years old age group, 16 girls and 15 boys. It was HOT early in the week, but the Geneva Center pool was COOL plus the 235 wooded acres provided much shade and there was actually a breeze, warm though it was. Aside from a few bouts of ‘home sickness,’ the kids seemed to really enjoy the week and a good time was had by all.

Geneva Center in Rochester, IN remains a wonderful place for Summer Camp for the three-weeks of the year it is used for Summer Church Camp. YET, Geneva Center is also a wonderful place for all kinds of retreats, meetings and conferences throughout the other 49 weeks of the year.

Most of you know there is a separate board of directors (I am on it) that now manages the operations and affairs of Geneva Center on behalf of the Presbytery of Wabash Valley which still owns the property. This board and the small staff at Geneva Center are charged with caring for the property and preserving the legacy that is Geneva Center. That is being done and the facilities & grounds have been maintained despite some of the challenges incurred during the pandemic when most user groups either cancelled or rescheduled their events into the future. 2022 is seeing many past users coming back.

For those who have never been to Geneva Center, I encourage you to find time to get out there and see first-hand what a wonderful place it is where you can see God’s creation in action. It is a place “away from it all, but not too far away.

First Presbyterian Valparaiso has many families who have sent campers there over the years and who have a warm place in their heart for Geneva Center. The financial support received from FPCV members and organizations are demonstrations of how valued Geneva Center is by them. As the Second Mile Offering for July, Geneva Center is very grateful for the past and future support by this congregation.

Blessings to all,

Jim Hubbard


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