Collecting Moments
Recently, I ran across an online blog post entitled “Collect Moments, Not Things. You’ll Have No Regrets When You Get Old.” The blog was posted on a site called which professes to be a site that is dedicated to talking about any “advice, resource, tip or trick that will help you get things done more efficiently and effectively.” I’m not sure that the advice on collecting “moments” has anything to do with efficiency, but it does strike a chord with me. Maybe I like it because it seems to bear a resemblance to the biblical references from Matthew:
Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6; vs. 19-20
As the years have gone by and way too many moments have come and gone, too many that I’ve totally forgotten of course, I’ve come to appreciate more and more those moments that have stuck with me and that have become worthy of the term “treasures in heaven,” at least for me. Treasured memories arise in many ways of course, a special family vacation, a memorable Christmas morning, holding a newborn child or grandchild for the first time, but moments seem especially precious when they’re unplanned, when people and circumstances come together more or less spontaneously. Such was the case for Kathy and me this past Sunday afternoon with an unexpected convergence of newly fallen snow and new and not so new neighbors sipping hot chocolate around a fire in our backyard. Though it was fleeting, it was a time of getting to know each other while the young children were discovering the joys of our neighborhood sledding hill for the first time. It was a small thing, but Kathy and I will remember it, and maybe our neighbors will as well.
Jesus was the master of recognizing the moment. When He entered the city of Jericho, no one noticed a tax collector who had climbed a nearby tree to get a glimpse of him. But Jesus stopped, called him by name and spent the afternoon in Zacchaeus' home. That moment changed Zacchaeus’ life. Later, when Jesus was leaving the city, a blind man named Bartimaeus cried for His attention. Many rebuked the blind beggar and told him to be quiet. But Jesus stopped, called for him and restored his sight. Of course, Jesus didn’t just recognize the moment, he took action, and it was in those actions that miracles happened and history was changed forever.
Every day we are presented with moments that can make a difference in the world, with our families, our friends and neighbors, or maybe even with strangers. Recognizing these moments and taking action ultimately determines how we impact our world.
May your 2022 be filled with many moments to treasure,
Jerry Kahrs