Ken Crews Blog

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all his benefits – who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases,” -Psalm 103: 1-3
I remember the incident as if it happened yesterday. Oh, wait, it did just happen yesterday! Yes, this Monday seemed like it would be as mundane as any other Monday. It is the day that I tend to exciting tasks like running the vacuum and cleaning bathrooms. I woke and went downstairs to make coffee – because every day should begin with coffee!
As the coffee maker percolated, I decided to empty the dishwasher. It was a decision I would soon regret! Giving each dish a quick wipe with a dry cloth I made my way through the glasses, plates, and bowls. I casually moved on to the silverware and there, lying in wait, perched a blood-thirsty steak knife stalking its prey… my finger. Like a dishwashing pro, I swiped the cloth across the blade and made my way back for a second pass. That’s when it happened. The sharp point of the knife struck, piercing the tip of my finger. “Ouch,” I shouted (and maybe another choice word!).
As I looked at my fresh wound, I could see the crimson spot appear. Okay, I may have had to look very, very closely, but there was definitely blood. Just enough to warrant a small Band-Aid. If I look very, very, very closely today, I can still see a little spot where the knife inflicted its damage. I’m pretty sure I’ll make it through the healing process with minimal need for therapy!
Something less noticeable happened the instant that knife pierced my skin, healing. Healing began instantly. As quickly as I noticed something had happened, my body began responding. Platelets began coagulating and all that incredible scientific magic began. The body is pretty amazing! The One who created it is even more so!!
Sure, I provided a laughable example of a very minor wound, but sometimes the hurt runs deeper - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. My little incident was a big reminder that although we will experience wounds in this life, we are made for healing. It’s not always easy and it often doesn’t happen quickly. Healing takes effort and time, and sometimes we bare life-long reminders. Being wounded and subsequent healing changes a person. Healing can require communal resources and talents only found in others. But, as individuals and as the body of Christ, we were made for healing.
Are you in need of healing? What might that look like for you? For the community? For the world?
It seems to me the world could use a little healing, and we’re a part of that world. It also occurs to me that God has equipped communities like FPCV to help with the work. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, let’s do our part together!