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My G’s ….

November 1st and there is lots of snow on the ground. It was a tough night for those parents last night who had to stand around while their kids ran and hustled around the neighborhood gathering Halloween candy. Cold, wet and shivering parents were what I saw.

So, I was Glad and Grateful I was inside and not outside on all Hallows Eve… a holiday that is taken quite seriously in my neighborhood given the amount of decorations visible on most of the houses, at least those with children inside.

Halloween ushers in November when in a few short weeks, we will celebrate Thanksgiving, and show our thanks for a lot of things and hopefully be with family …if possible. It is for me a season when I can show my Gratitude and give thanks for the many blessings I have enjoyed throughout the year.

Thanksgiving is the forerunner of Advent season during which I try to celebrate by Giving both thanks and some presents as a part of the traditions of the Christmas season. It is a time when a feeling of Generosity often envelopes me, a time when I remember the words of Psalm 23, words I memorized in my youth that still resonate with me today….”surely Goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life”.

This is the time of year when we try to be Gracious to others while we begin looking to next year, to what lies ahead. It is also that time of year when our church plans for its next year and seeks estimates of giving from its members. Having good information about the funding that can be expected in the coming year is important to all churches, ours included, and too many other organizations, including our families, when planning ahead.

When I look at what Goodness there is my life and in this church family, I am Glad I am a part of this church family, Grateful for the fellowship and opportunity to be a participant in the mission of this church, and able to be Generous in my Giving to the work of this church.

Oh yeah, there is the most important G …. God. May God and God’s Grace be with us all during the coming holiday season and the year ahead.

Blessings to all,

Jim Hubbard


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