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Sharon Kinsey's Blog

Our Adult Faith Formation class meets each Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. Our location has moved a few times, we’ve added new folks, our curriculum changes with the season, but we are always together, a community of seekers. We open by praying together, followed by a simple song related to the topic of the day. And then, we dive in! We read and dissect passages from Scripture, we share opinions, we wonder. Some of us are lifelong Presbyterians, some grew up in different denominations, others are just beginning to explore how loving Jesus and living a life in faith can strengthen and enrich our daily walk. As a co-moderator of the FF team with Ron Phillips, these classes are precious to me…the laughter, the struggle to find answers to tough questions, and finding some resolution together have been life-giving. I’ve learned so much from our members. The authors of our Follow Mecurriculum, write that, “…faith develops as we follow what Jesus did, embodied, and taught.” And every Sunday we meet in love and light to work toward a life of discipleship.

I was an elementary teacher for many years, and taught classes in reading instruction and special education at the university level. I’m a creature (or should I say, “teacher”) of habit. I still write a lesson plan each week, offer essential question to guide our discussions, and, yes, I place colorful seasonal stickers on each copy of the lesson. I’ve learned over time, that some folks like to color inspirational pages while we talk. Chocolate or peppermints jump-start our foggy brains at this early hour. Sharing joys and concerns knits us together. We are “one in the Spirit” for that hour.

During this season of Lent, we have been using a devotional called Seeking: Honest Questions for Deeper Faith. It is the product of A Sanctified Art LLC, a group of artists in ministry. It provides incredibly beautiful and interesting lessons using new lyrics to familiar tunes, multi-media artwork to challenge our presumptions, and poetry to provide food for reflection. We get to live in the minds and hearts of the poets, artists, and musicians who have worked together to craft incredibly engaging lessons. We’ve shared a meal with Nicodemus, spent time at the well with Jesus and the Samaritan woman, been cautioned to think about which voices might be a balm for our aching hearts, while others can pull us away from God.

This is an invitation to the members of our faith family to come and see what we are all about. You can bring your travel mug of coffee or tea and sit among fellow seekers – we are blessed to have a place to share the experience of learning and praying together. You will be welcomed with a smile, a high-five, and a piece of chocolate.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them” Matthew 18:20


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