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Spring Approaches!

It is hard to argue that the recent ‘mild’ weather is most unusual for this time of year. Maybe Punxsutawney Phil is right…apparently only 40% of the time… that we will have six more weeks of Winter, but it is seeming less likely the weather will be of the frigid variety into late February and March.

Yet, weather is not ours to change, just enjoy or endure. However, it sure is fun to talk about and speculate about. The April showers that bring May flowers are pretty consistent year to year, and I look forward to them.

Whenever Spring does arrive it will bring with it new opportunities in so many areas. Spring is a time of enhanced optimism when we see Nature re-greening itself, crocuses popping up and robins seeking their worms. There will be new opportunities at First Presbyterian Valparaiso as well because we are not just maintaining the status quo - rather we are pushing forward. Soon you will be invited to a congregational meeting to be part of establishing the mission & ministry emphases that will define this church and this congregation in the months and years ahead.

FPCV has continued its many outreach efforts at the local level and beyond throughout the pandemic and we are indeed a church that is generous with its resources and willing to share them with others. Those who volunteer with one or more of the mission activities or other programs of this congregation …you will recall Pastor Kim challenged us all to “worship +2” …have been steadfast in their volunteering and that has been so important as we, as a congregation, have strived to be relevant during the three years of the pandemic.

As new opportunities appear and you are invited to be part of the process for shaping FPCV’s direction, may you feel ‘called’ to do what you can to keep our congregation ‘vibrant’. When I read the ‘Glimpses of Vibrancy’that appear every week in the Bulletin and in First Notes, I am reminded how truly vibrant this congregation is. As Pastor Kim says most every week …”may it be true for you… and for me.”

Bring on Spring!

Jim Hubbard


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