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Vacation Bible Camp Reflections

As I reflect on the full week that has happened (mind you as I am typing, it is Wednesday), my heart is so full! Youth Sunday service was like no other. The youth once again stepped up and really spoke to us all. We as a congregation are so blessed to have such dedication and commitment from this generation! 


Sunday night was our first of four nights of Hometown Nazareth fun. It started off like I knew it would, family coming together to “feed” our little ones. Yes, there were delicious dinners and snacks each night; however, we fed their imagination with a nightly funny skit between Mary and her nosey neighbor Eunice (played by Madison Keller and Molly). 


We fed their curiosity with a mischievous cow named “Skim;” who on the first night wandered off. We heard his “moos” in the building but never caught a glimpse of him until Wednesday night, when his favorite drink was used to entice him back home…Chocolate Milk! We soon found out that mischievous cow was none other than our own Johnny Lawson!


We fed their minds and hearts with stories from the Bible read by Leila and learning a new song the talented Harry Karabel wrote for this week!


We fed their creativity in the Creative Marketplace where they made clay creations, coin boxes, and a lavender salt scrub (you never know, Nazareth could have had a day spa)!


We fed their bodies with movement with silly games with Jason Gordon and Ben Keller and a fun new dance taught by Molly.


This all happened in four fantastic nights…FOUR!!! It takes congregation members, friends (new and old), staff and ministry teams to pull together a week of memories that will (we hope) follow these kiddos. So, this blog is my thank you to each of you! Your time, your talent, your kindness, your smiles; it just wouldn't have been the same without you!


Leila, Harry, Ben, Madison, Paul, Connie, Lisa K, Lisa T, Pastor Julia, Carla, Willa, Tina, Noelle, Johnny, Molly, Jason, Becky, The Mission Team, The Worship Team, Congregational Life and the Deacons, I thank you for everything!


Now you know I have already thought about next year, right? What is more fun than a good old fashioned road trip?! Hmmm…to be continued!


My love and appreciation always,




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